
A pagination app that pages through images of art.

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Most websites offer some form of pagination. There is a limit how many records can be displayed on a single page and breaking the record set up in pages makes a lot of sense. This pagination sample displays 9 well-known paintings per page. There are 3 pages total.

Like the previous examples this one uses Backbone, underscore templating (with changed template token markers), in-page templates (using <script> tags), and a Mock server. The two script templates are named pictures-template and picture-template respectively.

Here is the pagination code:

var Patterns = {
    // ** namespace pattern
    namespace: function (name) {
        // ** single var pattern
        var parts = name.split(".");
        var ns = this;

        // ** iterator pattern
        for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) {
            // ** || idiomT
            ns[parts[i]] = ns[parts[i]] || {};
            ns = ns[parts[i]];

        return ns;

// ** namespace pattern 
// ** revealing module pattern
// ** singleton pattern
Patterns.namespace("InAction").Pagination = (function () {

    // ** namespace pattern
    var Models = {};
    var Views = {};
    var Routers = {};

    // Change template token markers to {{ and }} 
    _.templateSettings = {
        interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,
        evaluate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g

    // ** extend pattern
    Routers.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({

        // ** init pattern
        initialize: function (options) {
            this.el = options.el;
        routes: {
            "": "paginate",
            ":page": "paginate"           
        paginate: function (page) {

            // ** truthy/falsy idiom 
            var p = page ? parseInt(page, 10) : 1;
            // ** chaining pattern
            this.el.html(new Views.Pagination({ page: p }).el);
            this.el.append(new Views.Pictures({ page: p }).el);
            this.el.append(new Views.Pagination({ page: p }).el);

    // ** extend pattern
    // ** option hash idiom
    Models.Picture = Backbone.Model.extend({

    // ** extend pattern
    // ** option hash idiom
    Models.Pictures = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: Models.Picture,
        url: "pagination"

    // ** extend pattern
    // ** option hash idiom
    Views.Pictures = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: "ul",
        className: "thumbnails",

        // ** init pattern
        initialize: function (options) {
            this.collection = new Models.Pictures();
            this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);
            this.collection.fetch({ data: { page: } });
        render: function () {
            // ** iterator pattern
            this.collection.each(function (picture) {
                var view = new Views.Picture({ model: picture });
            }, this);

            return this;

    // ** extend pattern
    // ** option hash idiom
    Views.Picture = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: "li",
        template: _.template($('#picture-template').html()),

        render: function () {
            return this;

    // ** extend pattern
    // ** option hash idiom
    Views.Pagination = Backbone.View.extend({

        tagName: "div",   // this is default
        className: "pagination pagination-centered",
        // ** init pattern
        initialize: function (options) {

        render: function () {
            var pageCount = Math.ceil(pictures.length / 9);
            this.$el.css("padding-right", "100px");
    "); // ** iterator pattern for (var i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { $('ul', this.el).append("<li " + ((i + 1) === ? " class='active'" : "") + "><a href='#" + (i + 1) + "'>" + (i + 1) + "</a></li>"); } this.$el.append("
"); return this; } }); var pictures = [ { id: 1, picture: "1a.jpg", title: "Painting 1" }, { id: 2, picture: "2a.jpg", title: "Painting 2" }, { id: 3, picture: "3a.jpg", title: "Painting 3" }, { id: 4, picture: "4a.jpg", title: "Painting 4" }, { id: 5, picture: "5a.jpg", title: "Painting 5" }, { id: 6, picture: "6a.jpg", title: "Painting 6" }, { id: 7, picture: "7a.jpg", title: "Painting 7" }, { id: 8, picture: "8a.jpg", title: "Painting 8" }, { id: 9, picture: "9a.jpg", title: "Painting 9" }, { id: 10, picture: "10a.jpg", title: "Painting 10" }, { id: 11, picture: "11a.jpg", title: "Painting 11" }, { id: 12, picture: "12a.jpg", title: "Painting 12" }, { id: 13, picture: "13a.jpg", title: "Painting 13" }, { id: 14, picture: "14a.jpg", title: "Painting 14" }, { id: 15, picture: "15a.jpg", title: "Painting 15" }, { id: 16, picture: "16a.jpg", title: "Painting 16" }, { id: 17, picture: "17a.jpg", title: "Painting 17" }, { id: 18, picture: "18a.jpg", title: "Painting 18" }, { id: 19, picture: "19a.jpg", title: "Painting 19" }, { id: 20, picture: "20a.jpg", title: "Painting 20" }, { id: 21, picture: "21a.jpg", title: "Painting 21" }, { id: 22, picture: "22a.jpg", title: "Painting 22" }, { id: 23, picture: "23a.jpg", title: "Painting 23" }, { id: 24, picture: "24a.jpg", title: "Painting 24" }, { id: 25, picture: "25a.jpg", title: "Painting 25" } ]; // server Mock fauxServer.addRoute("picturesPage", "pagination", "GET", function (context) { // ** single var pattern var pageSize = 9; var start = ( - 1) * pageSize + 1; var finish = Math.min(start + pageSize, pictures.length + 1); = _.filter(pictures, function (item) { var index = parseInt(, 10); return (index >= start && index < finish); }); return; }); // Startup code var start = function () { var router = new Routers.Router({ el: $("#pictures-content") }); Backbone.history.start(); } return { start: start }; })(); $(function () { // ** facade pattern Patterns.InAction.Pagination.start(); });

The idioms and patterns used in this example are:

  • Truthy/falsy idiom
  • || and && idiom
  • Option Hash idiom
  • Namespace pattern
  • Single var pattern
  • Module pattern
  • Extend pattern
  • Init pattern
  • Chaining pattern
  • Iterator pattern
  • Singleton pattern
  • Observer pattern
  • Façade pattern

Each page makes a mocked Ajax server call and gets a number of pictures returned. Depending on how users use the app, you may consider caching the pictures already returned to the client. This could be implemented using the Lazy Load pattern. To keep things simple this is not implemented in this example but wouldn't be hard to add.

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