jQuery Design Patterns

jQuery is by far the most popular JavaScript library. jQuery makes it easy to traverse HTML documents, handle events, build animations, and perform Ajax interactions.

In this section we review how jQuery uses Idioms, Modern Patterns, and Classic Patterns. We will also look at extending jQuery through plugins.

  jQuery Modern Patterns & Idioms
   Introduction Introduction to jQuery and Design Patterns
   Module Organizes the code in logical or functional units
   Single var Declares and initializes all function variables with a single var
   Double Exclamation Apply double exclamation to a variable to ensure it is boolean
   Overloading Allows function overloading using argument switching
   Placeholder A way to signify unused function parameters
   Short Walk Shortens the length of the prototype chain walk
   Options Hash Reduces multiple function arguments to a single argument
   Chaining Allows multiple chained method calls on an object
   Namespace Organizes the code to avoid name collisions
   Lazy Load Creates data or code items only when absolutely necessary
   Zero Timeout Provides a way to avoid the user iterface from freezing up
  jQuery Classic Patterns
   Singleton An object of which only a single instance can be created
   Iterator Sequentially access the elements of a collection
   Observer A way of notify changes to a number of objects
   Proxy An object representing another object
   Facade A single object that represents an entire subsystem
   Adapter Matches interfaces of different objects
  jQuery Plugin Patterns
   jQuery Plugins An effective way to extend or enhance jQuery