
Techniques to load or run constructs only partially:
  -  partial functions: pre-run parts of a function
  -  partial objects: split objects over multiple files

Usage in JavaScript:
medium low


The Partial pattern in JavaScript comes in 2 flavors: Partial Functions and Partial Objects. Partial Functions allow you to pre-run parts of a function by returning a so-called partial function. This partial function offers reusability and increased performance. The Partial Object Pattern is about organizing your object code over separate files so that 1) multiple developers can work on an object at the same time, or 2) to allow for code generation and have an object part (i.e. file) that cannot be changed and a part that allows customization. We also have Partial Modules but these have already been discussed under the Module pattern.

Partial Function Pattern
The Partial Function pattern is also referred to as Partial Application (as in applying, or invoking, a function). A related term is currying which we will also look at.

In JavaScript you can invoke, meaning execute, a function. Another term used in functional languages is you apply a function. As you know, JavaScript does have a built-in apply method which invokes a function with two parameters: the first one will be bound to this and the second one is an array of parameters that will be 'applied' to the function.

Function Application simply means that you are applying parameters to a function. Partial Application occurs when you apply a partial set of parameters to a function. In the latter scenario the function remembers the first set of arguments and when called a second time it appends the new ones to the first ones. This is implemented by a function returning a function and using closures. Let's look at an example:

function concat(first, last) {
    if (typeof last === "undefined") {
        return function (last) {             // partial function 
            return first + " " + last;
    return first + " " + last;

var mary = concat("Mary", "Milliken");      // full application
alert(mary);                                // => Mary Milliken

var john = concat("John");                  // partial application
var jones = john("Jones");
var sellers = john("Watson");

alert(jones);                               // => John Jones
alert(sellers);                             // => John Watson


The function concat concatenates first and last names together. It can be called with one or two parameters. When called with two parameters it returns first and last concatenated. However, if only the first name is provided it returns a 'transformed' function that remembers the first name by storing the argument in its closure (recall that local variables and arguments are saved in a function's closure). This transformed function is the partial function.

Running concat with two arguments executes as expected, returning the string "Mary Milliken". When running concat with one argument a partial function is returned which remembers the first name "John". We then call the partial function, named john, with only a last name. This returns the original first name concatenated to the last name, i.e. John Jones and John Watson in the example.

This process of transforming one function to another is called currying (named after a mathematician by name of Haskell Curry). Partial functions and currying are useful when you find yourself calling the same function over and over with the same arguments. It is also useful if the first half of the function requires heavy duty processing of which the results can be saved for all subsequent calls. Here is an example of the last situation where we cache a dataset that is retrieved from the server only once:

function retrieve(query, id) {

    if (typeof id === "undefined") {
        var cache = server(query);
        return function (id) {      // partial function
            return cache[id];
    return server(query)[id];       // return for 'full' function 

    function server(query) {        // helper, simulates database access
       var items = {};
       items[0] = "Moe";
       items[1] = "Larry";
       items[2] = "Curly";
       return items;

alert(retrieve("stooges", 2));      // => Curly (no caching)

var partial = retrieve("stooges");    

alert(partial(0));         // => Moe
alert(partial(1));         // => Larry
alert(partial(2));         // => Curly


The function named retrieve returns a partial function if called with just one argument (the query). If so, it calls the server method, which simulates a server call that retrieves data from a database and stores the results in a local cache. The cache variable is an object which holds name/value pairs of the 3 Stooges. The cache is stored in the closure. The partial function returns the name of the stooge that matches the id value.

Immediately after the retrieve function declaration we call retrieve with 2 parameters. This will perform a regular retrieve, meaning it retrieves the data from the (simulated) server and returns the requested stooge. This is rather inefficient because for each call the server needs to be accessed and a full set of stooge records is retrieved. Only one of those is returned. The partial approach is far more efficient and effective.

When initially called with just the query argument, the function retrieves the data from the server, stores it in the cache, and returns a partial function that uses the cached values. Any subsequent call on the partial method simply pulls the appropriate record out of cache and returns it. We could do this trick for multiple data sets by creating partial functions for different queries.

The examples above are custom partial functions that work well for a particular scenario. Is there a way that partial functionality can be made more generic, one that remembers a first batch of parameters and then merges it with a second batch in the transformed function? The answer is yes, and here is how:

function makePartial(fn) { 
    return partial.apply(this, 
        [].concat.apply([fn, this], 
            [], 1)));            // 1st batch of arguments
    function partial (fn, scope) {
        var args = [], 2);       // 2nd batch of arguments 
        return function () { 
            return fn.apply(scope, 
                [].concat.apply(args, arguments));    // all arguments

Notice that we use [] in several places. It is an array literal which creates an array instance when called. Replacing [] with Array.prototype would make it a bit more efficient but at the cost of readability which is why we choose to use [].

Granted the above code is dense, but here it goes. The makePartial function accepts a function (fn) and any number of additional arguments (the 1st batch). Note that the additional arguments are not shown as parameters in the function declaration, but are visible in the built-in arguments object. Next, makePartial returns a partial function that will accept additional arguments (the 2nd batch). The first batch and function (fn) is stored in the closure. When the user calls this partial function it merges the first batch of arguments with the second batch and invokes the function passed in originally.

Let's see an example of how it is used.

function add(v, w, x, y, z) { 
    return v + w + x + y + z;   

var add3 = makePartial(add, 2, 2, 10);

var total = add3(10, 6);
alert(total);                  // => 30


The function add accepts 5 values and adds these together. The variable add3 is a partial function that already knows 3 of the 5 argument values. When invoking add3 you pass the 2 remaining arguments and the total gets returned.

Partial Object Pattern
Next, let's look at partial objects, which, by the way, is unrelated to partial functions. A common problem with larger JavaScript projects is that multiple developers will work on the same object concurrently. The Partial object pattern alleviates this problem by allowing the object's code to be split over multiple files, each file holding only part of the object (i.e. partial object).

There are different options to build Partial Objects. Here is one way:

File 1

function Customer(name, street, /* ... */ ) { = name;
    this.street = street;

File 2

Customer.prototype.validate( /* ... */ )
   // ...

Customer.prototype.insert( /* ... */ )
   // ...

Customer.prototype.update( /* ... */ )
   // ...

File 3

Customer.prototype.checkCredit( /* ... */ )
   // ...

Customer.prototype.sendInvoice( /* ... */ )
   // ...

Customer.prototype.acceptPayment( /* ... */ )
   // ...

The customer object has been spread over 3 files, organized by functional area. At runtime, when all files are brought together and are loaded you can use the customer object like any regular object:

var customer = new Customer("IBM", "123 Main Highway", ...);

customer.sendInvoice("$4,000", ...);

Another area where partial objects may be helpful is in code generation scenarios. This technique is frequently used in .NET which supports true partial classes, that is, a single class can be spread out by multiple partial classes in different files. .NET code-generators often use classes that are made available as two partial classes. One partial class contains core functionality and should not be touched by developers. The other partial class offers extension points where developers can add their custom code. The first one is created by the code generator and overwritten when the code generator runs again (for example to reflect data model changes). However, the second one is never overwritten by the code-generator and should only be touched by the developers.

These extension points in .NET can be in the form of event handlers or partial methods (not related to JavaScript Partial Functions). At compile time the two partials are merged to form a single class which runs and behaves like a normal class.

This approach works really well. The question is can we do something similar in JavaScript? The answer is yes. Let's see how.

File 1. -- code generated

var ClickableControl = function () {

    var handlers = [];

    this.register = function (handler) {
    } = function (x, y) {
        for (var i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len; i++) {

var control = new ClickableControl();

File 2. -- hand coded

function showClick (x,y) {
    alert("Location: " + x + ", " + y);


Here is a user or browser generated event, 120);    // => Location 250, 120, 123);    // => Location 248, 123

If you have already read the Classic Patterns section you may recognize the Observer Pattern or callback pattern in this example. File 1 defines a clickable control that allows registration for click handlers. The click handlers are provided in File 2 which is hand-coded. When the app generated clicks, all registered click handlers are invoked one after the other. This example shows we are able to make a clean separation of the 'code-generated' control (File 1) and the custom event handlers (File 2).

As far as code-generation this example is a bit contrived, but it conveys the general idea of separating objects in non-changeable and changeable files. This separation is not limited to events; it is perfectly fine to use what almost seems like 'abstract' methods. An example of where this is used is Backbone, a popular open source MVC framework (discussed in the Model View Patterns section). Backbone provides a base Model object that can be extended with a custom object like so:

var car = Backbone.Model.extend({

    urlRoot: "cars",

    initialize: function () {
        alert("I am a car");

    defaults: {
        id: 0,
        model: "",
        make: "",
        year: "",
        description: ""

Backbone.Model provides the base functionality (in this case Model behavior in a MVC context) and offers a series of properties and methods that can be overridden with custom code. For example it has an empty initialize method on its prototype, but it will invoke the overridden one if present. It checks whether urlRoot is defined and has a value, and similarly for defaults.

Backbone is not code generated but it provides predefined hooks to extend the standard object. It is not far-fetched to think of the Model being code generated which then provides the hooks that can be added. These hooks are added in a different file, that is, the partial object.
